Located 80kms north of Campbell River, British Columbia, is a wild and remote area of the Pacific Northwest known as Knight Inlet.
As the longest fjord on the British Columbian coast, Knight Inlet offers visitors spectacular scenery set against a backdrop of dramatic mountain peaks plunging into the Pacific Ocean. Variegated hues of blues and greens seamlessly blend forest, ocean and sky. It can be a place of immense silence in the calm of the temperate rainforest and of immense power in the face of the many thundering glacier-fed waterfalls.
60kms from the mouth of the inlet lies Knight Inlet Lodge. This floating lodge is tucked into Glendale Cove which offers one of the few protected anchorages in the inlet and it is here that you begin each day’s adventure.
The lodge is an assortment of five modern cement floats containing 18 guest rooms, dining room, lounge, interpretive centre and support buildings. All rooms have two queen beds with private washroom and shower except the lodge’s family rooms which have one queen and two twin beds. The dining room has ample seating for 50 plus a separate common area with comfortable seating and gas fireplaces to mingle before and after dinner. At full capacity the lodge will hold 36 guests but during the summer the average capacity is between 32–38 including children.
Glendale Cove is home to one of the largest concentrations of grizzly (brown) bears in British Columbia. It is not uncommon for there to be up to 50 bears within 10 =kms of the lodge in the peak autumn season, just when the salmon are returning to the river.
Although they are abundant in the autumn, it is not the only season that grizzly bears can be found in Glendale Cove.
Starting in late April, the bears return to the estuary from winter dens and start the year feeding on sedges, succulents, grasses and barnacles that thrive in the estuary. This luxuriant spring growth provides the basic nutritional needs for the bears which draws them from the mountains down to the estuary. This is the time to see, at close proximity, the tiny cubs emerge with their ever-cautious mothers.
In the summer, the berry crop is very heavy and this helps keeps the bears in the general area. The lodge do not get the high numbers of the spring and late summer/fall season viewing however bears are usually seen every day.
Bears are viewed differently in different seasons at Knight Inlet Lodge. In the spring and summer, guests and guides set out in boats to get close to the shore (about 50 metres) for a good view of the bears feeding. Boats will still remain far enough away so as to not disturb them.
The early summer programme at the lodge continues on the water as well but if the opportunity arises there may be a chance to use the lodges tree stands. By late August the lodge moves the platforms at the spawning channel although they continue to use the tree and river stands. In all the viewing programmes at Knight Inlet Lodge, guest safety is of the utmost importance. They strive to see the bears in their natural environment without having a negative impact on them.
As well as bear-viewing, Knight Inlet Lodge also offers a number of other tours. The marine wildlife tour is offered in all seasons the lodge operates but it changes greatly as the seasons change. In the spring, guests and guides travel throughout the inlet viewing seals, sea lions, porpoises, dolphins and the occasional minke whale that may travel though the local waters.
From July onwards, tours at the lodge have the added attraction of the orca (killer) whale and when journeying to the world famous Johnstone Strait, guests are almost assured of spending some great viewing time with these magnificent marine mammals. Not only do guests view the whales but tour include all of the spring marine viewing as well. The programme can last up to ten hours.
In addition, the lodge offers estuary tours, excursions to the upper reaches of Knight Inlet, and walking tours in the local area. Guided kayaking tours re also available in Glendale Cove. These tours are great for the novice as double and single kayaks are available and excellent guides to take guests through a brief lesson and then get going on the water. Great photographic tours are available on all tours with the opportunity to see a large variety of birds, bears and other wildlife or scenery.
For more information on Knight Inlet Lodge and to chat about including the lodge in a Canada itinerary, do get in touch.
The post Knight Inlet Lodge, British Columbia appeared first on Greenstar.
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